Martin Svikis
Managing Director
After completing tertiary education at the University of New England (graduating with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Economics), Martin joined the logistics industry as a trainee. His first role was tarping down trucks!
Through his career, Martin has worked in CEO and General Manager positions with Linfox, SCT and Toll Holdings, culminating in over 28 years continuous experience in the industry. This took him to live and work in London with Linfox and then subsequently delivering outcomes in Asia with Toll.
He lives in Melbourne with his family and enjoys working in their large garden with many fruit trees. Other interests are economics and pushing those weights around in the gym. Winter sees Martin on the snowboard with the family.
Martin has also contributed to the development of the logistics industry through being a founding member of the Australian Logistics Council (invited to join by the then Deputy Prime Minister, John Anderson) as well as a Director of the Australian Railway Association, amongst other contributions.
He has also made submissions to the ACCC, Productivity Commission and the National Competition Council on transport policy.